
Artists of ​the rise

a call for the artists

Artists have a major role to play in shaping social ​movements because they have the power and ​creativity to communicate the important messages ​of our time.

Whether through music, visual art, spoken word, or ​other forms of creative expression, artists have the ​capacity to inspire change and bring attention to ​important issues. They have the ability to engage ​people on an emotional level, which can be more ​impactful than simply presenting the facts, and in ​turn galvanize people into action.

DPAK Future

You’re invited

Artists have the great skill of transmitting the feeling of our aspirations for a better future.

While many artists may not consider their work political, any creative expression rooted in care for the space in which we inhabit is

a political act.


Dysfunction in our political society, and its appalling consequences, is calling millions to realize that individuals and groups independent from the existing two-parties must rise into civic stewardship.

With 50%+ Americans declaring their Independence, a United Independent Movement has the ability to transform our nation and drive critical upgrades to the quality of our democracy and the trustworthiness of our leaders.

Join a growing


inc‘24 Denver

September 17th - 19th, 2024

The upcoming Independent National Convention (INC’24) is ​inviting Independent leaders into a higher degree of ​relatedness, shared-vision and coordinated joint-action ​going forward.

When people declare their own independence, and commit ​to thinking, speaking and acting according to their own ​conscience, they rise above the hyper-polarization of ​Left/Right partisan politics.

DPAK Future is an Artist of the Rise who will be performing ​the United Independent Anthem, first released at INC ‘23 ​Austin.

Other artists will be sharing their hearts, their gifts, their ​creative expression and thought leadership from the ​People’s Stage in the main atrium, throughout the ​convention.


artistic ​movement ​leaders

Just as MEDIA passes are given to media correspondents to ​cover the event, the INC will be issuing ARTIST passes for ​artists who want to learn, observe and participate in this ​political activation, allowing their experiences to inform the ​creation of new art.

As artists create songs, film, spoken word and visual ​dimensions of the United Independent Movement, it brings ​the movement to life, animating the message through ​creative expression. This is the natural output of an artistic ​movement leader, creative spokesperson and Artist of the ​Rise.


the artists

Artists of the rise @ INC’24

Complete the application below to apply for our Artist ​of The Rise program @ INC ‘24 Denver to receive a ​FREE ARTIST PASS.

Note: To qualify for this program you must be an active ​artist with published materials, honed skills and a ​passion for positive impact.

artists shape our world

Artists have always served a vital social function, ​inspiring us to imagine beyond our current ​circumstances and use the materials around us to leave ​the world more beautiful than we found it. Whether ​creating music that uplifts and heals the soul, or ​painting murals on the sides of community centers, ​artists access intuitive and trained capacities to reveal ​hidden harmonies in color, light, and sound that texture ​and enliven our world.


we rise

Artists of the Rise - program contact:

sophia / text: (619) 203-0286